Educational Evaluation (3rd sem syllabus)

Educational Evaluation
UNIT-I: Educational Evaluation and measurement.
1.1. Concept of Measurement, test, examination and evaluation with their differences.
1.2. Functions and importance of evaluation with respect to students teachers, parents and
1.3. Steps in the processes of evaluation
1.4. CCE – Meaning and its importance.
1.5. Types of evaluation – formative and summative, NRT AND CRT with their differences.
1.6. Major techniques of evaluation – observation, interview, examination and self reporting.
1.7. Measurable and non measurable learning out comes
1.9. Critical appraisal of existing evaluation system.
UNIT-II: Tools of Evaluation and their uses
2.1 Validity, reliability, and objectivity and their interdependency.
2.2 Major tools of Evaluation : Oral testing .paper pencil testing, Achievement test, Diagnostic
test, Intelligence test, aptitude test Rating scale, checklist, Interview, questionnaire and
UNIT-III: Standard tests and Teacher made achievement tests.
1.1 Standard test , meaning, steps and its uses.
1.2 Teacher Made Achievement Test: Essay type, Objective type test and it improving upon
essay type questions for efficiency, different tests their characteristics and uses and along
with their differences.
1.3 Preparation of blue print, and setting a good question paper.
1.4 Grading : concept and its relevance, credits-grade and course certification, Transcripts.
UNIT-IV: Data processing and statistics.
4.1 Raw scores, Frequency distribution ,
4.2 Graphical representation of scores – Histogram, frequency Polygon, Cumulative curves,
4.3 Percentiles and its uses.
4.4 Measures of Central tendency- Mean, Median, Mode and their uses.
4.5 Measures of variability-Mean Deviatin, Quartile Deviation, Standard Deviation and Co
efficient of variance and their uses.
4.6 Correlation – concept, types and finding coefficient of correlation by Rank difference
4.7 Normal probability distribution and its uses.


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