
“Blog” is an abbreviated version of “weblog”, which is a term used to describe websites that maintain an ongoing chronicle of information. A blog features diary-type commentary and links to articles on other websites, usually presented as a list of entries in reverse chronological order.                                                                    
·         A main content area with articles listed chronologically, newest on top. Often, the articles are organized into categories.
·         An archive of older articles.
·         A way for people to leave comments about the articles.
·         A list of links to other related sites, sometimes called a “blog roll”.
·         One or more “feeds” like RSS, Atom or RDF files.

                           “A blog is a type of website that is usually arranged in chronological order from the most recent post (or entry) at the top of the main page to the older entries towards the bottom”.
                                                                                                                                                      --Rowse D (2005)
                          “A bog is a website that functions as a journal, or a dairy or a place to post your thoughts and opinions pertaining a particular subject matter”.
                                                                                         --Atomic Learning (2009)  
               Many blogs enable visitors to leave public comments, which can lead to a community of readers centred around the blog. Hence the totality of weblogs is blog related websites is known as a “blogosphere”.
Ø  Blog entries are hosted in reverse chronological order. The order is similar to a backwards dairy, running from the most recent at the top of a page to the least recent at the bottom.
Ø  Blog entries usually include the date and specific time that they were posted (a time stamp).
Ø  A blogger’s name is usually listed with the time stamp. By default, blogs usually end “posted by (blogger’s name)”.
Ø  Older blog entries are usually found in an archive. Often the archive is sorted by months and years. The archive links are usually in a side bar on the page.
Ø  Readers and the blogger can usually comment on (or reply to) a blog entry. The comments can turn into a dialogue, with the readers and bloggers talking together.
Ø  Blog entries usually have a title that describes or relates to the content of the entry. Titles are usually set off in a layout with a bold font.
Ø  Blog entries can list categories, assigned by the blogger when a blog includes categories, you will usually find a list of the categories in a side bar on the site.
Ø  Bloggers may choose an icon to represent their current mode.

 The appearance of the blog changed over time, and now a day’s blogs include different items. But, most blogs include some standard features and structures. Here are the common features that a typical blog will include:
§  Header with the menu or navigation bar.
§  Main content area with highlighted or latest blog posts.
§  Side bar with social profiles, favorite content or call to action.
§  Footer with relevant links like a disclaimer, privacy policy, contact page etc...

                 TYPES OF BLOG:
v  Personal/ Private:
 Some people make their blogs private to share photos and information within families, companions, or schools.
v  Corporate blog:
 A blog can be private, as in most cases, or it can be for business purpose.
v  Questioning blog:
 It is a type of blog that answers all questions.
v  By media type:
A blog comprising videos is called a v log, one comprising links is called a link log, a site containing a portfolio of sketches is called a sketch blogs or one comprising photos is called a photo blog.
v  By device:
Blog can be also be defined by which type of device is used to compose it.
v  By genre:
Some blogs focus on a particular subject, such as political blogs, travel blogs, house blogs, fashion blogs, project blogs, education blogs, niche blogs, classical music blogs, quizzing blogs and legal blogs etc…

                             CHARACTESTICS OF BLOG:
1.       A blog must always be dynamic.
2.       Pots are displayed in reverse order.
3.       Most blogs have the same structure.
4.       The blogs leading star is its content.
5.       Headlines should be attention grabbers.
6.       One rule applies to all blogs: Relevancy.
7.       Blogs and links go hand in hand.
8.       A blog is founded on personal touch.
9.       Posts should always encourage debate.

                             ADVANTAGES OF BLOG:
Ø  Invite people to collaborate.
Ø  Make education more informal.
Ø  Involve also external people.
Ø  Facilitates the use of images.
Ø  Reduce costs.
Ø  Makes learning independent of time and place.
Ø  Encourages learners to be active.
Ø  Helps learners improve their writing, competencies,
Ø  Capture changes in thinking.
Ø  It gives you motivation.
Ø  It forces you to ask questions.
Ø  Freedom of speech.
Ø  Share knowledge with other people.
Ø  Makes friends online.
Ø  Can be used as a diary.
Ø  It’s a dump of your knowledge.
Ø  Blogs are easy to create and maintain.
Ø  Blogs are search engine friendly.
Ø  Networking with various people worldwide.
Ø  Blogs are easy to update.
Ø  Blogging may change your attitude towards life.
Ø  Gaining popularility and respect from others.
Ø  It is easy to connect with social media.
Ø  Blogging as a source of income.
Ø  It will promotes and large scale and small scale business.
Ø  It improves the skills like photographic and videographic.


Ø  Need to keep it constantly updated, otherwise you lose potential readers.
Ø  Easy to start, hard to maintain.
Ø  Getting people to read your blog is real pain in the ass, you need to publish good content.
Ø  Very time consuming, as you have to think, edit, and write point to point keeping it minimal and keeping audience in mind.
Ø  Though competition ahead, many millions blogs posts are created in a minute.
Ø  They should be maintained and kept active you should be posting often.
Ø  It makes weaker memory and laziness.
Ø  Many blogs requires registering to a new email account or webpage.

                             Few famous blog sites:
3. and many more….

                                           By above discussion we can conclude the topic that blog is one of the very important   and efficient website. It not only provides the information about education but also in various fields such as sports , military, cooking, video, songs , pictures and business purposes. It enhances the creativity in the learner by motivational speech and overall it makes a mastering in a subject.

1.       Malini. L.(2016), Educational Technology,Mysore: Vismaya Prakashana.(p:113-114)


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